About the performance in Day of Atonement
About Day of Atonement
Day of Atonement
By Marianne Goldman
Director Pia Forsgren
The DAY OF ATONEMENT is set in a synagogue during Yom Kippur, the most sacred of Jewish holidays, and a day full of soul-searching and self-reflection that may cause deeply seated family conflicts to erupt violently.
The play had its initial performance at the opening at The Jewish Theatre.
Participants in Day of Atonement
Day of Atonement
By Marianne Goldman
Director Pia Forsgren
Jessica Zandén
Lars Lind
Eva Stellby
Jacob Nordenson
Ann-Sofie Rase
Annelie Gardell
Paul Fried
Stage Design
Pia Forsgren och Tomas Franck
Light Design
Eller Ruge
Mikael T Zielinski